The EOS Process provides a proven way to put all the pieces together in a spaced learning environment, incorporating each of the EOS® Tools in the right order over time to best strengthen each key component of your business.

- Read the book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business. Written by EOS Founder Gino Wickman, Traction contains all the tools and components that make up EOS. The book is based on Gino’s years of real-world, hands-on experience working with the leadership teams of entrepreneurial companies to help them fully implement EOS in their organizations.
- Select an Implementer. To begin, you will need to select someone to play the essential role of “EOS Implementer®” and guide your leadership team through the process. This can be a person on your leadership team or a Professional Implementer outside the company. We recommend using a Professional or Certified EOS Implementer® for the best experience and results.
- The 90 Minute Meeting. Led by a Professional Implementer, the 90 Minute Meeting introduces your leadership team to EOS, getting everyone on the same page to decide if you want to use the system and tools to strengthen your company.
- The Focus Day™. A day to give your leadership team tools to clarify who’s responsible for what, set priorities, improve communication, resolve issues and track critical numbers. Your leadership team then uses their new tools for the next 30 days to experience real improvement.
- Vision Building™ Day 1. Another day with your leadership team that starts by reviewing and sharpening the Focus Day tools. You will then begin to use the Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) tool to clarify your vision, starting with who you are, why you exist, what you do and where you are going. You will also get a great tool for reviewing your people. Your team again uses the tools for the next 30 days to experience more improvement. This is a spaced-learning approach which has proven to be most effective for quickly gaining proficiency with the tools.
- Vision Building Day 2.  Another day with the leadership team to master the Focus Day tools and continue using the V/TO tool to complete your vision, clarify your Marketing Strategy, 3-Year Picture™, 1-Year Plan and priorities for the next 90 days. With your leaders now focused and all on the same page, you’ll use the tools for the next 90 days to execute your plan and experience more improvement.
- Quarterly Sessions. A day with your leadership team every 90 days to evaluate their performance, refocus, set priorities for the next 90 days and resolve any issues that might impede progress. Your team experiences measurable growth and improvement every 90 days – Traction.
- Annual Sessions. Two days with your leadership team each year to work on team health and update the vision and plan for the next year and next quarter.
A healthy, focused leadership team and organization that makes continual progress towards achieving everything in their vision.
Renae Luketic - Professional EOS Implementer
Introduction to EOS.
Read before your 90 Minute Meeting.

What is EOS?
In this video, you'll learn what EOS is and how it can help you with your organizational struggles and problems.

EOS Model
The EOS Model provides a visual illustration of the Six Key Components™ of any business that must be managed and strengthened to be great. This model applies to big and small businesses alike in any industry.

The EOS Process
The EOS Process provides a proven way to put all the pieces together in a spaced learning environment, incorporating each of the EOS® Tools in the right order over time to strengthen each key component of your business best.

Renae Luketic
Renae is a Professional EOS Implementer. She works with high-growth entrepreneurial companies in all-day sessions to help them improve strategy, execution, and results.

90 Minute Meeting
The 90 Minute Meeting gives you a crystal clear picture of what EOS can do for you and your business.

Organizational Checkup
The Organizational Checkup™ helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses to start solving your issues - for good.

How to Overcome The 5 Biggest Frustrations Business Owners Face.

Turn Challenges into Business Success

Start Traction
In Traction, you'll learn the secrets of strengthening the six key components of your business. You'll discover simple yet powerful ways to run your company that will give you and your leadership team more focus, growth, and enjoyment.