Welcome to the EOS Trusted Advisor Network (ETAN)

Empowering Businesses through Shared EOS Mastery

The EOS Trusted Advisor Network (ETAN) is a pioneering initiative designed for businesses at every stage of their EOS journey. Whether your company is fully running on EOS, just beginning to explore its potential, or anywhere in between, ETAN offers a unique platform to connect, collaborate, and grow alongside like-minded organizations.
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Why Join ETAN?

  • Speak the EOS Language: Immerse yourself in a community that speaks your language. Share insights, challenges, and triumphs with peers who understand the EOS process inside and out.
  • Issue Solve Together (IDS): Engage in high-value IDS (Identify, Discuss, Solve) sessions with other EOS-run companies, leveraging collective wisdom to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities.
  • Trusted Referrals: Expand your network with confidence. ETAN members are committed to referring business within a trusted circle of EOS-aligned companies.
  • Continuous EOS Mastery: Stay at the forefront of EOS implementation with exclusive resources, workshops, and events aimed at deepening your understanding and application of EOS principles.

Led by Renae Luketic, Professional EOS Implementer

Under the expert guidance of Renae Luketic, a seasoned EOS Implementer, ETAN is more than just a peer group. It's an opportunity to benefit from professional EOS implementer knowledge in a collaborative, peer-supported environment. Renae brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of helping businesses thrive with EOS. With her at the hosting, ETAN members gain access to:

  • Expert Insights: Learn directly from a professional EOS Implementer, gaining insights that can accelerate your business's EOS journey.
  • Customized Support: Renae provides guidance to meet the unique needs of each ETAN member, ensuring your business maximizes its EOS implementation.
  • Peer Learning: Benefit from the collective experiences of a diverse group of EOS-run companies, fostering a culture of mutual growth and support.

Join Us

ETAN is your gateway to transforming how your business operates, connects, and grows within the EOS community. It's an investment in your company's future, powered by the collective strength of EOS practitioners and the expert leadership of Renae Luketic.

Embrace the full potential of your EOS journey with ETAN. Together, let's achieve business excellence through shared knowledge, trusted networks, and continuous mastery of all things EOS.

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ETAN Group Membership:

Embracing All Stages of EOS Journey


Participation Dynamics within ETAN

The ETAN Group extends a warm invitation to members across various stages of their Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) journey, including:

  1. Professionally Implemented: Organizations that have engaged an EOS Implementer to guide their EOS journey, ensuring a structured and comprehensive adoption of the system.
  2. Self-Implemented: Companies that have taken the initiative to implement EOS independently, leveraging EOS tools and resources on their own.
  3. Exploring EOS: Individuals or organizations currently exploring EOS, eager to learn more about how it can transform their business operations and culture.

ETAN is committed to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment where members from all paths of EOS implementation can share insights, challenges, and successes. Our aim is to nurture a community where learning, growth, and mutual support thrive, enhancing the EOS experience for every member.

ETAN Membership Criteria: Elevating Business Success

Achieving Excellence Together


The EOS Trusted Advisor Network (ETAN) is committed to fostering a community of businesses that are not just thriving but also aiming for the pinnacle of success. Membership in ETAN is open to businesses that are on a dynamic path to excellence, with a clear focus on substantial growth and operational efficiency.

Membership Qualifications:

  • Revenue Milestone: Your business should be generating a minimum of $1 million in annual revenue, a benchmark that signifies your commitment to growth and sustainability. This criterion aligns with the standards set for high-achieving organizations, ensuring that our network comprises members who are dedicated to significant business achievements​ ​.

  • Aspiring to Grow: If your business is on the trajectory towards achieving the $1 million revenue milestone but hasn't reached it yet, you are still a valued part of our community. ETAN supports and welcomes businesses that are actively working towards this goal, recognizing the potential and drive to scale new heights.

Join Us in the Journey to Success

ETAN is more than just a network; it's a platform for shared growth, learning, and collaboration among businesses that aspire to be at the top of their game. By setting a clear financial benchmark and opening our doors to those striving to meet it, we ensure a community of like-minded businesses, all dedicated to operational excellence and significant growth.


Meeting Cadence:

Group members are welcome from these EOS implementation stages, including:

  • Visionary Focused
  • Once a Month
  • Same Day | Same Time
  • ETAN Group V/TO
  • Level 10 Style Agenda
  • 1 Mastery Focus Topic on the IDS list Each Meeting
  • Location: Hosted by EOS run companies


A healthy, focused leadership team and organization that makes continual progress towards achieving everything in their vision.